Sunday 10 July 2011

Primitive Witch Handmade Buttons

Although it's a hot July day as I write this my mind has been thinking of fall and Halloween.  It's not that I'm wishing the summer away.  I love summer and wish it was summer all year round.  However, in the crafting world you have to think at least one season ahead all the time.  I've started listing my Halloween themed items on Etsy so that everyone that makes crafts or items with my buttons has a chance to order them in time to make all their wonderful goodies.

I've been enjoying looking at some wonderful penny rug creations on Etsy and that got me thinking of the primitive style.  I've had a lot of fun adding some prim buttons this weekend and have plans for lots more.  This is one of the sets I added this weekend  Isn't she adorable!

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